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Does he like me? Here are 50 signs to understand if your crush likes you!

What are 50 signs that a boy likes you?

‘Does he like me?’ is a question that many of us have asked ourselves at least a few times during our dating period… Whether we’ve asked ourselves regarding the same guy, or multiple guys…

Today we’re going to talk about what are the signs that a guy actually likes you.

It’s important to note that these signs can vary from person to person, and it’s not always easy to determine someone’s feelings accurately.

However, here are 50 potential signs that a boy may like you:

1. He maintains eye contact with you for extended periods.

If he maintains eye contact frequently and for extended periods of time, he definitely likes you. And that is deep eye contact, not just a quick glance. 

2. He smiles at you frequently.

If he smiles at you frequently, and not just to be nice smile, but like a real smile… then he definitely likes you. 

3. He often finds excuses to talk to you or be around you.

If he comes up with any type of excuse just so he can be around you… then he really likes you and would like to spend more time with you. 

4. He remembers small details about your conversations.

If he remembers details about your conversations, things that most people don’t pay attention to, then he is interested in you and wants to know you better. 

5. He initiates conversations and keeps them going.

If he initiates conversations and doesn’t just wait for you to start them… and he is also continuing the conversation, not letting it cool off… well then… he does like you! 

6. He tries to make you laugh or smile.

If he goes out of his way to make you laugh or smile it means that he likes you. If he wouldn’t like you, he would not be bothered whether you’re laughing or not. 

7. He compliments you on your appearance or personality.

If he compliments you often on your appearance or personality, it means he actually likes you and also wants you to know it. If he wouldn’t like you… he would not bother to let you know. 

8. He displays nervousness or fidgets when you’re around.

If your crush is nervous around you or tends to fidget especially when you’re around it means that they like you and are not very sure how to tell you. 

9. He mirrors your body language or gestures.

Every time we like someone we tend to mirror their body language and gestures as well. So if a guy does this, it means that he likes you. 

10. He goes out of his way to help you or assist you.

Most guys would help you if it’s convenient, or not too difficult. But if there is someone who goes out of their way to help you, it means they like you

11. He frequently initiates physical contact, such as touching your arm or shoulder.

If he cannot keep his hands to himself and is frequently touching your arm or shoulder, or even back, it means that he likes you. 

Maybe you should take the first step? 

12. He gets jealous or protective when other guys are around you.

If a guy gets jealous or protective especially if there are other guys around who fancy you and are interested in you, then it’s clear that he likes you

13. He remembers significant dates like your birthday or important events in your life.

If the remembers or even has important dates marked in his calendar, it means that he likes you as he is interested in you and your life. 

14. He asks about your interests, hobbies, or activities.

If he is asking about your interests, hobbies or activities it means that the guy likes you and is trying to get to know you better. 

15. He follows you on social media and engages with your posts.

If he frequently and positively engages with your social media posts, he likes them, and even shares them, it means that he likes you and he is interested in what you’re interested in. 

16. He likes and comments on your pictures or status updates.

Same as before, if he frequently likes and comments on your pictures or status updates, it means that he is interested in what you’re posting online because he likes you! 

17. He introduces you to his friends or includes you in his social circle.

A guy who only wants one thing and doesn’t really like you won’t introduce you to his social circle and his friends. 

Introducing you to his friends means that he likes you and he might even have serious intentions with you. 

18. He teases you playfully or engages in light-hearted banter.

A guy that likes you will also tease playfully at times or even engage in lighthearted banter because he wants to make you happy and smiley. 

19. He remembers things you’ve mentioned in previous conversations.

If he remembers things you’ve mentioned in previous conversations it is because he was truly listening to you… because he likes you. 

Guys usually have quite a different approach when it comes to stories and conversations. They tend to remember only the important things, and very few of them too. 

But if a guy remembers most of the things you’ve mentioned in previous conversations, it means that he likes you… a lot!

20. He initiates plans or suggests spending time together.

If he suggests that the two of you spend more time together and is coming up with plans as well… It means that he likes you. Otherwise he wouldn’t bother. 

21. He acts differently, possibly more nervous or self-conscious, when you’re around.

If you know this guy fairly well, and he tends to act differently when you’re around it means that he is nervous and is trying to get your attention, because he likes you. 

22. He defends you or stands up for you in front of others.

If he defends you, even when you might not be right… he does it because he is trying to protect you… because he likes you! 

23. He maintains open and positive body language when talking to you.

Open and positive body language is anything that a guy does when is trying to get closer to you and is trying to face you at all times. So if a guy does this when you’re around… it means he likes you!

24. He tries to impress you or show off his skills or talents.

If a guy is trying to impress you and is going out of his way to do it… it means that he likes you and it is important for him that you like him too. 

25. He initiates physical proximity, such as sitting or standing close to you.

Any time a guy wants to get closer to you, even if you’re in the same space already, it means that he likes you. 

Especially if he goes out of his way to do it! 

26. He asks for your opinion on matters that are important to him.

When a guy likes you he will ask for your opinion on matters that are important to him, and he will also seriously consider that opinion. 

27. He gives you thoughtful gifts or surprises.

If a guy gives you thoughtful gifts or is trying to surprise you, it means that he likes you. Guys don’t really do stuff for others… unless they really like the person. 

28. He initiates contact through text messages, calls, or social media.

If you don’t have to always initiate conversations via text or even calls, and he does it without any prompt from you… it means that he likes you! 

29. He shows genuine interest in your life and actively listens when you talk.

If a guy likes you he will be genuinely interested in your life and will actively listen to things you say. He will also remember them and will try to help you even if just with advice. 

30. He offers to accompany you to events or activities.

If a guy likes you he will want to protect you and know you’re safe. And there are a few ways guys do it, and one of them is by offering company to events or activities. 

31. He remembers things you’ve mentioned in passing, even small details.

If he remembers and also acts on things that you’ve mentioned in passing, it means that they like you and truly listen to what you’re saying. 

32. He gets noticeably nervous when you’re alone together.

When a guy likes you, he will noticeably get more nervous when you’re around, because he likes you and he wants you to also like him. So he’s trying to be on his best behavior around you. 

33. He makes an effort to look good or dress up when he knows he’ll see you.

When a guy likes you he will make an extra effort to look good or dress up when he knows he’ll see you, because he wants to impress you and wants you to also like him. 

34. He exhibits signs of nervousness, such as stuttering or stumbling over words.

If he is nervous and even starts to stutter at times, it might be because he likes you a lot and is not sure what to do, or say, to impress you so that you like him too. 

35. He frequently finds ways to touch or brush against you subtly.

When a guy likes you he wants to touch you and be close to you at all times. So if a guy tries to find ways to touch you or just brush against you subtly, it means he likes you and wants to be close. 

36. He brings up future plans or mentions things he wants to do with you.

If he includes you in his future plans… he definitely likes you and sees a future with you. 

37. He shares personal information or stories with you that he hasn’t told others.

If he feels at ease and is ok to open up to you and also shares stories that he hasn’t told others… It means that he likes you. 

38. He becomes more attentive when you’re talking to other people of the opposite sex.

When a guy likes you he might become more attentive when you’re talking to other people of the opposite sex, as they might see them as threats. They might also wonder if you like other people more than you like them. 

39. He offers you his jacket or lends you his belongings.

If he has no issues with offering you his jacket if it’s cold or one of his belongings it might mean that he likes you and wants to know you’re comfortable.

40. He initiates deep or meaningful conversations.

If he is not afraid to have deep and meaningful conversations, it means that he likes you and feels comfortable opening up to you. 

41. He shows genuine concern for your well-being or happiness.

When a guy truly likes you he will genuinely be concerned about your well-being and happiness and will also do his best to make you happy or smiley. 

42. He tries to make you feel special or important.

If he is going out of his way to make you feel special and important it is because you are like that… for him. And he likes you! 

43. He compliments your intelligence, sense of humour, or other qualities.

If he is not shy with compliments towards you it means that he truly appreciates you and he likes you for them. 

44. He remembers conversations you’ve had a while ago and brings them up later.

If he fondly remembers old conversations you guys had… and is bringing them up later it means that he kept them in mind as they meant a lot to him… because he likes you! 

45. He tries to find common interests or activities to bond over.

If he is trying to find common interests or activities to bond over is because he wants to get closer to you… because he likes you. 

46. He actively tries to resolve any conflicts or disagreements between you.

If he does his best to resolve any conflict or disagreement between you it is because he wants to be close to you and on good terms… because he likes you. 

Guys that don’t like you don’t really care if you don’t see eye to eye on a topic.

47. He exhibits signs of nervousness when you touch or brush against him.

If you touch him or brush against him and he gets flustered… it means that he likes you but is unsure how to tell you… or even show you.

48. He teases or jokes with you in a friendly and affectionate manner.

If he teases or jokes with you in a friendly way it means that he likes you and is feeling comfortable enough to do it. 

49. He pays attention to your body language and reacts accordingly.

If he is trying to read your body language and also reacts accordingly, it means that he is interested in you and wants to know you deeper. 

50. He expresses genuine interest in your opinions, thoughts, and feelings.

A guy that likes you will express genuine interest in your onions, thoughts and feelings, even if they are different from his. 

He will also be interested in understanding why you have these and maybe try to give you arguments why you might want to change them. Instead of dismissing them and not paying attention to what you want. 

Remember, these signs are not definitive proof of someone’s feelings, and the best way to know for sure is through open and honest communication.

However they can still give you a hint as to what’s up and you can then decide whether you want to pursue more or not. 


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