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85 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking Of You

signs your soulmate is thinking of you

Ever wondered what are the signs your soulmate is thinking of you? 

Me too! 

Here’s what I found: 

What is a soulmate?

A soulmate is often described as a person with whom one has a deep and profound connection, both emotionally and spiritually. 

It goes beyond mere compatibility and surface-level attraction. 

A soulmate is believed to be a person who understands and resonates with you on a fundamental level, as if your souls are intertwined. 

They may share similar values, goals, and life perspectives, and their presence brings a sense of completeness and fulfillment. 

A soulmate is someone who supports and challenges you, encourages personal growth, and accompanies you on your life’s journey. 

It is important to note that the concept of a soulmate can vary depending on individual beliefs and cultural interpretations.

Can we feel the connection to our soulmate?

Yes, it is believed that people can feel a strong and profound connection to their soulmate. 

This connection is often described as a deep knowing or recognition when encountering their soulmate. 

It can manifest as an intense feeling of familiarity, a sense of comfort and ease in their presence, or a strong magnetic pull towards them. 

People often report experiencing a strong emotional and energetic bond with their soulmate, as if they have known each other for a long time, even if they have just met. 

This connection can be accompanied by a deep understanding, mutual respect, and a shared sense of purpose. 

However, it’s important to note that the experience of a soulmate connection can vary from person to person and may not always be immediate or apparent. 

Some soulmate connections may unfold gradually over time, while others may be felt instantaneously.

85 Signs your soulmate is thinking of you

Here are 100 signs your soulmate is thinking of you right now: 

1. Sudden intense feeling of love or warmth

If out of nowhere you start feeling intense feelings of love or warmth, it might mean that your soulmate is thinking of you and therefore projecting some love towards you. 

It is believed that we are connected energetically to our soulmate so that we can transfer energy and love from one to the other. 

2. Random chills or goosebumps

If you feel random chills or goosebumps, without any apparent reason it might be because your soulmate is thinking about you. 

Our body is more receptive than we know to subtle changes in our energy field. And our energy field can be influenced by our soulmate even if they are far away from us. 

3. Unexplained smiles or laughter

If you start smiling or laughing without any apparent reason, it might be because your soulmate is thinking about you. 

A sudden improvement in your mood means that your soulmate has just sent some good vibes your way and you’ve received them. 

Our soul communicates often with our soulmate on an energetic level. Even if we don’t realize it consciously. 

4. Feeling a gentle touch or caress on your skin

If you feel a gentle touch or like someone caressed you, but there’s nobody near you, it means that your soulmate was trying to touch you, from afar. 

As souls don’t communicate with each other by using words, they use sensations and your body interprets them the best it can. 

And sometimes they come across as gentle touches. 

5. Sensing a familiar scent or fragrance

The number one thing that people say when they meet their soulmate is that they feel they’ve known that person all their life, even if they’ve just met. 

This familiarity can transcend that and you might sense a familiar scent or fragrance, even in a moment where there might not be anyone around you. 

This is your soulmate’s way of letting you know that they’re thinking about you and that they’re close, even if just in spirit. 

6. Seeing their favourite flower or symbol unexpectedly

Seeing your soulmate’s favorite flower or symbol unexpectedly means that your soulmate is thinking of you. And you seeing it makes you think of them too. 

So send them love and good vibes. Even if they are apart, they will still fell it the same you did when you saw the flower. 

7. Hearing a meaningful song on the radio

Although souls don’t communicate by using their own words… they might use other people’s words. 

So if you hear a song on the radio that particularly draws your attention, know that your soulmate is sending you a message and is thinking about you. 

Analyse the song deeper and see what your message might be in it. 

8. Receiving a sudden surge of energy or excitement

If you suddenly get a surge of energy or get super excited without any apparent reason, know that your soulmate has thought of you, got excited and your soul felt it. 

And now you’re feeling the same excitement. Isn’t that amazing? 

9. Feeling a tingle or butterflies in your stomach

Butterflies and tinglings in stomachs can be different if you’re nervous and different if they are because of a sudden surge of love. 

If they’re the positive kind of butterflies, know that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

They’re sending you good vibes and this is your body’s response to receiving that loving energy from your soulmate

10. Having vivid dreams or visions of them

Sometimes our soulmate communicates with us via dreams. Or even via visions. 

Listen to the message they have to share with you in your dream or vision as it means they are thinking about you and they might want to transmit something important. 

11. Finding their name or initials in random places

This is again a cute reminder that your soulmate is thinking of you. Any time you find their name or initials in unexpected places, make sure to send some loving vibes towards them too. 

12. Spotting meaningful numbers or patterns repeatedly

We all have those ‘lucky’ numbers that we keep seeing once in a while. 

If you start seeing your lucky numbers more often, know that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

13. Feeling a sense of calm or peace in their presence

Again our souls don’t communicate as a human with a body does. But if you feel a deep sense of calm or peace, know that your soulmate is thinking of you and transmitting some of those good vibes. 

14. Hearing their voice in your mind

If you randomly hear your soulmate’s voice in your mind, know that they are thinking of you. And actually trying to tell you or warn you about something. 

Don’t be stubborn and start listening to what they have to say. 

15. Noticing synchronicities or coincidences related to them

I personally don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that certain things are truly meant to happen, sooner or later. 

So if you notice more coincidences and synchronicities related to your soulmate, know that they are thinking of you and drawing you closer to them. 

16. Feeling a deep sense of connection or understanding

If you feel a deep sense of connection or understanding, know that your soulmate is thinking of you and is opening up to you and connecting with your energy. 

Feel it, let it engulf you, appreciate it and send some good vibes back towards your soulmate. 

17. Experiencing a sudden change in mood for no apparent reason

Whether good or bad, a sudden change in mood for no apparent reason is a clear sign that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

They either might be happy, feeling love and sending many positive vibes. Or they might be upset, or even in danger and are sending negative vibes. 

Either way, try to send good vibes back, and listen to your intuition. It WILL know what to do next! 

18. Seeing their face in the clouds or in other natural elements

This might be one of the cutest way your soulmate lets you know that they are thinking of you. 

Literally showing you their face, either in clouds or in other natural elements. 

19. Feeling their presence while alone

If you’re physically alone, but still feel your soulmate close it means that they are there. With their soul and are thinking of you. 

Enjoy it and send back some good vibes! 

20. Receiving a random message or call from them

Receiving a random message from your soulmate means they’ve literally just thought of you. And they’ve also decided to take a step in that direction. 

signs your soulmate is thinking of you

21. Feeling their touch in your dreams

If you feel your soulmate’s touch in your dreams it means that they’re thinking of you and wishing they could touch you. So they’ve sent a ‘touch’ to your dream. 

22. Having a strong gut feeling or intuition about them

If you’re having a strong gut feeling or intuition about your soulmate means that they are thinking about you. And it is that connection that gives you that ‘tingly’ feeling. 

Maybe reach out to them and see what’s up? 

23. Seeing their name repeatedly in written or digital form

If you’re seeing their name repeatedly in written or digital form means that your soulmate is thinking of you and their energy is at the same level as yours, and connected to yours. 

24. Feeling a comforting embrace around you

If you suddenly feel a comforting embrace around you it means that your soulmate is thinking of you and sending you an ‘energy’ embrace. 

25. Witnessing signs your soulmate is thinking of you, related to their favorite hobbies or interests

If you see any signs related to your soulmate’s favorite hobbies or interests are actully signs your soulmate is thinking of you, and this is the universe’ way of letting you know. 

26. Feeling a sudden urge to reach out to them

If you feel a sudden urge to reach out to your soulmate, it means that they are thinking of you of you and somehow sending you a message to reach out to them. 

27. Experiencing a tingling sensation in your hands or fingertips

If you feel a tingling sensation in your hands or fingertips it means that your soulmate is thinking of you and this is your body’s way of interpreting that energy signal. 

28. Sensing their energy when you close your eyes

Whenever we close our eyes we tend to turn inwards and shut out all the external interferences with receiving energy messages from our soulmate. 

So if you feel their energy when you close your eyes, it means that they are thinking of you and your souls are connected. 

29. Seeing their favourite animal or bird unexpectedly

Seeing your soulmate’s favourite animal or bird unexpectedly, means that your soulmate is thinking of you. And your energies are connected. 

30. Having a feeling of being protected or watched over

Having a feeling of being protected means that your soulmate is thinking of you and is sending  protective energy your way. 

31. Hearing their laughter or voice in a crowded room

Hearing their laughter or voice in a crowded room means that your soulmate is thinking of you, and because of your connection you can hear them even if they’re not close. 

32. Feeling a warmth in your heart when you think of them

If you feel a deep sense of warmth in your heart when you think of your soulmate, it means that your soul remembers what it feels like to be close to your soulmate. 

33. Receiving a message from a mutual friend or acquaintance about them

Sometimes, if we get too hung up with worldly things, our soulmate might try to reach out to us with the help of other people, because they are thinking of you. 

If you receive a message from a mutual friend or acquaintance about them, make sure to reach out. 

34. Seeing their name or picture randomly on social media

Seeing your soulmate’s name or picture randomly on social media means that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

It might be a good idea to reach out or to like their picture, to let them know that you’re also thinking of them. 

35. Feeling a slight pressure or weight on your chest

Feeling a slight pressure or weight on your chest means that your soulmate is thinking of you and the change in their energy levels will affect yours too. 

36. Noticing a change in the atmosphere when they are around

Noticing a change in the atmosphere when they’re around means that they are thinking of you and are transmitting that feeling to you too. 

37. Suddenly remembering a fond memory of them

Suddenly remembering a fond memory of your soulmate means that they are thinking of you. As souls don’t communicate with words, they sometimes use memories to send a message. 

Reach out to them maybe? 

38. Feeling a gentle wind when thinking of them

Feeling a gentle breeze or wind when you’re thinking of your soulmate means they are also thinking of you and that surge of energy might feel like a gentle breeze. 

39. Having a sense of anticipation or excitement without any known reason

Having a sense of anticipation or excitement without any known reason means your soulmate is thinking of you and is close. 

Your soul senses their closeness and gets excited. 

40. Seeing their favourite colour in unexpected places

Seeing your soulmate’s favorite color in unexpected places means that your soulmate is thinking of you and this is your sign that they do. 

41. Finding small tokens or objects that remind you of them

Finding small tokens of objects that remind you of them is a sign that your soulmate is also thinking of you. 

42. Feeling a strong desire to hug or hold them

If you suddenly feel a strong desire to hug or hold them it means that they are thinking of you and can’t wait to hug you, so you’ve felt their energy. 

43. Seeing repeated images or symbols associated with them

Seeing repeated images or symbols associated with them means that your soulmate is thinking of you hence why signals appear in your environment. 

It might also mean that you should reach out to them. 

44. Experiencing a tingling sensation in your scalp or hair

If you’re experiencing a tingling sensation in your scalp or hair, it means that your soulmate is thinking of you and your body is sensing the flux of energy. 

45. Noticing your heart rate increase when you see or hear about them

Noticing your heart rate increase when you see or hear about your soulmate means that they are thinking about you. Hence why you have this seemingly involuntary reaction. 

But it’s a sign so use it wisely. 

46. Feeling a gentle touch on your cheek or forehead

Feeling a gentle touch on your cheek or forehead when there’s nobody around means that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

Our skiing is quite sensitive to changes in our energy and aura. And our energy levels increase every time our soulmate is thinking about us and is sending us positive vibes. 

47. Having a strong urge to visit a place connected to them

If you’re having a strong urge to visit a place connected to your soulmate it means that they are thinking of you, and this is the way you’re perceiving the energetical signal. 

48. Seeing a rainbow or beautiful sunset when you think of your soulmate

Seeing a rainbow or beautiful sunset when you think of your soulmate is a very nice and colorful way to be reminded that your soulmate is also thinking of you. 

It’s like a beautiful gift that your soulmate is sending you. 

49. Feeling a wave of calmness wash over you

Feeling a wave of calmness wash over you suddenly is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and is sending you some good calming vibes. 

50. Witnessing their name or initials written in an unexpected place

Witnessing their name or initials written in an unexpected place is a sign that your soulmate is also thinking of you. 

Your energy and that of your soulmate’s are interwoven and so transmit each other various signals. 

51. Receiving a sign or message through a meditation or prayer

If you are doing a meditation or prayer and you get an instant message, know that it is because your soulmate is thinking of you. 

52. Feeling a surge of energy or excitement in your body

If you get a surge or energy or excitement in your body without any apparent reason, it means that your soulmate is thinking of you and is sending you high energy vibes. 

53. Seeing their name or face in a crowd or busy street

If you’re seeing your soulmate’s name or face in a crowd or busy street it means that you’re connected to them. Mainly because they are also thinking of you. 

54. Feeling a tingle or warmth in your ears

If you’re suddenly feeling a tingle or warmth in your ears, or it feels like you’re hearing something but not sure you actually have, it is because your soulmate is thinking about you and is sending some loving energies your way. 

55. Noticing feathers or coins in unexpected places

Noticing feathers or coins in unexpected places is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you. Whenever something out of the ordinary is happening it is because your soulmate is thinking of you and that influences your energy and of things around you. 

56. Having a strong urge to write or create something for them

Having a strong urge to write or create something for them is a sign that your soulmate is also thinking of you and this can lead to an increase in your creative energies. 

57. Seeing their favourite food or drink on a menu or in a store

Seeing their favorite food or drink on a menu or in a store is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and this is just a reminder that you two are connected. 

58. Feeling a gentle touch on your shoulder or back

Feeling a gentle touch to your shoulder or back even when there’s nobody around is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you. 

59. Witnessing their favourite song playing in a public place

If you’re witnessing your soulmate’s favorite song playing in a public place is a sign that your soulmate is also thinking of you. And as your connection is strong hearing their song is a sign of this. 

60. Feeling a sense of comfort or security when thinking of them

Feeling a sense of comfort or security when thinking of them is a sign that your soulmate is also thinking of you and sending you comforting positive vibes. 

61. Seeing a shooting star or a particularly bright star at night

Seeing a shooting star or a particularly bright star at night might mean that your soulmate is thinking of you and the whole universe wants you to know it! 

62. Receiving a message or sign through a dream or meditation

Receiving a message or sign through a dream or meditation is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and is trying to reach you. 

63. Feeling a light pressure on your hand or arm

Feeling a light pressure on your hand or arm is another one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you and their energy is flowing towards you. 

64. Noticing their name or face on a billboard or advertisement

Noticing your soulmate’s name or face on a billboard or advertisement is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and is trying to contact you by giving you signs your soulmate is thinking of you. 

65. Feeling a tingling sensation in your feet or toes

Feeling a tingling sensation in your feet or toes is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and this is one of the many ways your body is letting you know that it has felt that surge in energy. 

66. Witnessing a rainbow or sunlight breaking through the clouds

Witnessing a rainbow or sunlight breaking through the clouds suddenly can be a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and the universe has conspired to show it to you. 

67. Having a sudden realization or insight about them

Having a sudden realization or insight about your soulmate means that they are thinking about you and because the two of you are connected your telepathy is also working wonderfully. 

68. Seeing their favourite quote or phrase in a book or article

Seeing your favorite quote or phrase in a book or article means that your soulmate is thinking of you and this is just one of the many ways they are showing it to you. 

69. Feeling a sudden burst of happiness or joy

Feeling a sudden burst of happiness or joy without any apparent reason is because your soulmate is thinking of you and is sending positive vibes your way. 

70. Noticing their name or initials in a license plate or street sign

Noticing your soulmate’s name or initials in a license plate or street sign is a sign that they are thinking of you as much as you think of them. 

signs your soulmate is thinking of you

71. Feeling a soft touch or stroke on your hair

Feeling a soft touch or stroke on your hair, without anyone around you is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and would love to touch you themselves. 

72. Witnessing a white feather or other meaningful object in your path

Witnessing a white feather or other meaningful object in your path is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and are sending cute messages to let you know that they are. 

73. Smelling their favourite scent or perfume unexpectedly

Smelling their favorite scent or perfume unexpectedly is a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you and your connection is stronger than ever. So strong that you can literally smell their scent. 

74. Seeing their favourite book or movie title prominently displayed

Seeing your soulmate’s favorite book or movie title prominently displayed is a sign that they are thinking of you as only you would understand the significance of that book or movie title. 

75. Feeling a gentle nudge or push in your direction

If you’re feeling a gentle nudge or push in your direction is another one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you. And trying to nudge you closer to them. 

What will you do about it? 

76. Hearing their name spoken by a stranger or in a conversation nearby

Hearing your soulmate’s name spoken by a stranger or in a conversation is yet another one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you. And reminding you of them too. 

Your energies are connected… can you feel it?

77. Feeling a tingling sensation in your legs or knees

Any sudden tingling sensation is usually due to the fact that your soulmate is thinking of you and is sending positive energy towards you. Hence your body is perceiving this as tingling. 

78. Noticing their favourite quote or phrase on a billboard or sign

Noticing your soulmate’s favorite quote or phrase on a billboard or sign is a sign in itself that they are thinking of you as much as you think of them. 

79. Feeling a wave of emotion or love overcome you

If you feel a sudden wave of emotion or love overcome you is another one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you dearly and because you’re connected, they are sending you loving vibes. 

80. Witnessing a beautiful sunrise or sunset when you think of them

Witnessing a beautiful sunrise or sunset when you think of your soulmate means that they are thinking of you too and would want you to feel all the warmth a beautiful sunset gives. 

81. Receiving a sign or message through a tarot reading or oracle cards

Receiving a sign or message through a tarot reading or oracle cards is another one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you. And is helping you either take a decision. Or is trying to warn you of a harmful situation that is approaching. 

82. Feeling a gentle tap on your shoulder or hand

Feeling a gentle tap on  your shoulder or hand is another one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you. And they wish they would be close. But for now they’re just sending their good vibes and energy to you. 

83. Seeing a rainbow or vibrant colors in nature that remind you of them

When your soulmate is thinking of you, you might also be seeing a rainbow or vibrant colors in nature that remind you of them. 

84. Having a sudden surge of creativity or inspiration related to them

Another one of the long list of signs your soulmate is thinking of you is that you start having sudden surges of creativity related to them. Higher energy vibration can lead to higher creativity.

85. Feeling a warmth or tingling in your cheeks

If you’re feeling a warmth or tingling in your cheeks it might mean that your soulmate is thinking of you and is sending warming vibes your way. 


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