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Navigating the 7 Relationship Stages – Part 1- 

relationship stages

Today we’re talking about navigating the 7 relationship stages. And because this article is quite long I’ve split it into 3 parts… just so I don’t bore you to death… Read until the end to get the link to part 2, and then to part 3!

Let’s be real: relationships are a wild ride. 

From the first date nerves to building a life together, it’s an adventure that takes you through all the feels. 

If you’re like me, you’ve probably had moments where you’re like, “What stage of this relationship am I even in?” 

Well, buckle up because we’re diving deep into the stages of a relationship, with all the awkward, funny, and heartwarming moments in between.

What Are the Stages of a Relationship?

Before we break it down, here’s a quick overview: relationships have stages. 

Think of them like levels in a video game. 

You’ve got to make it through each phase of a relationship to unlock the next, right? 

Sure, you might hit a few roadblocks, but that’s part of the fun. 

Let’s walk through each phase step by step (or should I say stage by stage?).

Relationship Stages #1: The Honeymoon Stage (AKA “We Can’t Keep Our Hands Off Each Other”)

Ah, the honeymoon stage. 

That magical time when everything is perfect, and you’re convinced your partner is the most amazing human on the planet. You could be on a deserted island with no Wi-Fi, and you wouldn’t care. 

Everything they say is hilarious, every gesture is adorable, and you can’t imagine ever arguing with them. (Spoiler: That’s coming later.)

At this stage of a relationship, you’re basically living in a rom-com montage. Think long walks in the park, Netflix and chill (but with more of the chill), and texting each other 500 times a day. Your friends are tired of hearing about how perfect your relationship is, but you don’t care—you’re floating on cloud nine.

Every Day Is an Adventure

During the honeymoon stage, everything you do together feels like an epic adventure. 

Going grocery shopping? The most romantic thing ever. 

Waiting in line at the DMV? Somehow, still fun. 

You’re both so wrapped up in each other that mundane, everyday tasks suddenly seem thrilling.

I once knew a couple that spent an entire afternoon just driving around looking at random houses they could never afford, giggling about their future mansion. 

They weren’t just house-hunting, they were building an empire… at least in their heads. 

And that’s the beauty of this stage: everything feels possible, and reality hasn’t quite kicked in yet. You’re basically in your own little bubble, and it’s awesome.

Perfection on Display

You’re also in full-on perfection mode during this phase. You’ve got your best foot forward, your hair’s always on point, and you haven’t even considered wearing those ratty sweatpants in front of them yet. 

And neither have they! 

They’re all cologne, nice shoes, and perfectly timed compliments.

If you’re anything like me, this is also the time when you spend an embarrassing amount of effort perfecting your “I woke up like this” look. 

Spoiler alert: You did not, in fact, wake up like this. It took 45 minutes of sneaking out of bed, fluffing your hair, and just the right amount of “natural” makeup to make that happen. 

But your partner’s none the wiser because, guess what, they’re doing the same thing.

All the Butterflies

Those first few dates are a bundle of nerves and excitement. 

You’ve got butterflies, sweaty palms, and that feeling of anticipation every time your phone buzzes with a text from them. 

Remember those early days when even getting a “good morning” text made you feel like a Disney princess? Yeah, that’s the honeymoon stage for you.

I once had a friend who actually squealed every time her new boyfriend sent her a message. Like, a full-on squeal! And she’s normally a grown woman with a serious job. But that’s the thing: this stage has you acting like a lovestruck teenager no matter how old you are. 

It’s pure, unfiltered, heart-racing excitement.

The “We’re So Compatible” Illusion

Another hallmark of the honeymoon phase is the belief that you and your partner are 100% compatible in everything. 

You both like the same music, you laugh at the same jokes, and you finish each other’s sentences. It’s like you’re the same person! 

In fact, you’re pretty sure that no couple in the history of love has ever been as in sync as you two.

But here’s the thing: You’re not actually that similar. 

Right now, you’re just seeing the best parts of each other, the shiny, polished versions. 


What differences? 

Who cares if they’re a die-hard pizza lover and you’re into sushi? You’ll figure that out later.

Sex Is On Fire

Let’s be honest: the honeymoon stage isn’t just about deep, emotional connection. It’s also about fireworks in the bedroom. 

You’re so into each other that physical attraction is off the charts. 

You can’t keep your hands off each other, and the chemistry is palpable. 

Every touch, every kiss, feels electric, and it’s like you’re both riding this wave of pure, unbridled passion.

This is the stage where you might wake up early just to “say goodbye” before work, or you somehow have the energy to meet up for a late-night rendezvous even though you both have a 6 AM alarm set. You’re living in a rom-com, and the credits haven’t rolled yet.

But Here’s the Thing…

The honeymoon phase is beautiful, don’t get me wrong. It’s intoxicating, and you should soak up every minute of it. But, and I hate to be the one to tell you this, it’s not going to last forever. 

Eventually, those butterflies will calm down, the excitement will mellow, and your partner’s flaws (remember those?) will start to show.

But that’s okay! 

The honeymoon stage is only one part of the relationship journey. It’s like the appetizer before the main course: delicious, but not the whole meal. 

The trick is to enjoy it while it lasts and then be ready to move into the next stage, with all its messy, wonderful challenges.

So, for now, go ahead and text them something sweet, daydream about your future adventures, and cherish the fact that you can’t stop smiling every time you see their name pop up on your phone. 

The honeymoon stage is special, and it’s one you’ll remember fondly when you’re arguing about socks later.

relationship stages

Relationship Stages # 2: The Power Struggle Stage (AKA “Wait, Why Are We Fighting About Socks?”)

Welcome to the stage where reality sets in, my friend. 

Gone are the days of endless compliments and heart-eyed emojis. 

Welcome to The Power Struggle Stage, where socks on the floor suddenly become a metaphor for all the little things you didn’t notice before. 

It’s the phase when you realize, “Oh wait, this person isn’t perfect. And neither am I. And we have opinions about everything.” 

Hold on tight, because this stage is a rollercoaster.

Socks, Towels, and All the Little Annoyances

In the honeymoon phase, you probably thought their quirks were adorable. “Aw, look at him leaving his socks in the living room. How cute!” Fast forward to the power struggle stage, and you’re ready to write a strongly worded letter to their mother asking why they weren’t taught to pick up after themselves.

Suddenly, everything is up for debate. 

You’re fighting about the right way to load the dishwasher, how long the towels should hang on the bathroom floor before being washed (hint: the answer is not forever), and, of course, whether the toilet paper should go over or under. (Pro tip: It’s over. Always over.)

The Illusion Fades

During this stage of a relationship, the rose-colored glasses start to crack. 

All those perfect moments from the honeymoon phase? They begin to fade. 

You realize they aren’t as flawless as you once thought, and guess what? They’re realizing the same about you. Ouch.

And here’s the kicker: you’re not trying to be difficult, and neither are they. It’s just that when the honeymoon bubble pops, you begin to see each other’s real selves. And the real self comes with opinions, habits, and gasp flaws. 

In the power struggle stage, these differences start to surface, and let me tell you, it can get messy.

I once had a friend who broke up with someone after a three-hour argument about, wait for it, pizza toppings. She wanted pineapple (controversial, I know), and he was adamantly anti-fruit-on-pizza. It seems silly now, but in the moment, every little disagreement feels like a referendum on your compatibility.

The “This Isn’t What I Signed Up For” Moment

At some point in this stage of a relationship, you’ll likely have what I call the “Wait, what have I gotten myself into?” moment. 

This is when you sit there, mid-argument about who finished the last bit of oat milk, and wonder if this is really your life now.

It’s also the stage where you start comparing your relationship to others. “Why does their relationship seem so easy?” you might think while scrolling through Instagram and seeing pictures of happy couples on vacation. (Spoiler alert: Those couples argue about socks too, they’re just better at hiding it on social media.)

Battle of the Boundaries

This stage of a relationship is where boundaries get tested. 

You’re learning what the other person is really like, and this includes how they handle conflict, compromise, and those awkward moments when you don’t agree. 

There’s no way around it, you’ll argue. And sometimes, it’ll feel like the most important argument of your life. 

Spoiler: It’s probably not.

The power struggle stage is about figuring out how much space you each need, how to communicate without losing your cool, and how to not take everything personally. 

The good news? 

If you can navigate through this, your relationship becomes much stronger.

I had one couple friend who would bicker about who got to choose the weekend plans. He wanted to hike every Saturday, while she preferred brunch and a Netflix binge. They finally settled it by agreeing to alternate weekends, but let me tell you, it took months of power struggles to reach that compromise.

The First Big Fight

Oh, the first big fight. It’s inevitable! 

The moment when you really go at it over something completely ridiculous and unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but in the moment, it feels like the world is ending.

Maybe it’s about who said what during dinner with friends, or who left the dirty dishes in the sink for the third time that week. 

The topic doesn’t matter as much as the feeling. That sudden realization that, “Oh no, we’re really different, and we’re not always going to agree.”

Here’s the secret though: The first big fight is like a rite of passage!

You’ll get through it, and after the dust settles, you’ll start to learn how to fight better. 

Fighting, or arguing well is a skill, and in the power struggle stage, you’re both honing your craft.

The Blame Game

Oh yes, the blame game. In the power struggle phase, it’s all too easy to start pointing fingers. You blame them for not listening, they blame you for being too critical, and round and round it goes. 

You might even catch yourself keeping score—mentally tracking who’s done more chores or been more thoughtful. (Pro tip: No one wins at this game. Seriously, stop keeping score.)

During this phase of a relationship, it’s tempting to think the other person is the problem. 

But the truth is, you’re both figuring it out together, and no one is perfect. This stage is all about learning how to not play the blame game and focus on teamwork instead.

relationship stages

The Road to Compromise

At some point, after the fights, the blame, and the weird tension about pizza toppings, something magical happens: you start to compromise. 

You realize that you’re not always going to get your way, and that’s okay. You learn how to meet in the middle, and sometimes, you’ll even let your partner win a few battles (without holding a grudge).

The power struggle stage teaches you that love isn’t about winning. 

It’s about learning to bend a little without breaking. If you can figure out how to navigate the small stuff, like socks, towels, and dishwasher drama, you’ll be better equipped for the bigger challenges down the road.

Why the Power Struggle Stage Is Important

The power struggle of the relationship stages is essential because it’s when you really get to know each other. It’s easy to love someone when everything’s perfect, but it’s another thing to love someone when they’re driving you crazy. 

This is where you start to figure out whether you’re truly compatible and how to communicate effectively.

Surviving the power struggle stage means you’ve learned how to handle disagreements, respect each other’s boundaries, and compromise without resentment. 

This is the foundation for a lasting, healthy relationship. And trust me, once you get through it, the next stages will feel like a breeze (well, most of the time).

So, the next time you’re ready to lose it over socks or pizza toppings, remember: It’s just part of the process. Everyone goes through the power struggle phase, and it’s totally normal. 

Plus, once you’ve navigated this stage of a relationship, you’ll have plenty of funny stories to tell later.

Conclusion: You’ve Survived the Rollercoaster—What’s Next?

Well, look at you! 

You’ve sailed through the honeymoon stage with all its butterflies and Netflix and chill (but mostly the chill), and you’ve braved the power struggle with arguments about socks, pizza toppings, and, of course, who’s really in charge of the remote. 

The important thing is: you made it through. And that’s no small feat!

If you’re finding that communication is still a bit tricky (because, let’s be real, sometimes it’s hard to even know what to ask your partner), I’ve got a fun tip for you: check out the Better Topics Card Game for Couples. This game is a total lifesaver for sparking meaningful conversations when you’re stuck in the “What do we even talk about?” zone. 

Plus, it’s way more fun than sitting down for another heart-to-heart that turns into an interrogation! 

You can laugh, connect, and even discover things about each other you didn’t know, without the stress.

Ready to see what’s next on the relationship journey?

Click here for part 2 to read about the next stages, where we get into the comfort of the stability stage and how commitment shapes your future. 

Click here for part 3 to read about the next relationship stages, where we explore how you’ll start building something together and continue growing in ways you never expected. 

Trust me, things get even better from here!


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