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Kindred Spirit: Finding Your Soul’s Missing Puzzle Piece

What is a Kindred Spirit, Anyway?

Okay, so what is a kindred spirit? 

No, it’s not just a fancier word for “soulmate” or “BFF.” 

It’s better! 

Picture this: you meet someone, and it feels like you’ve known them since forever. 

Like, they just get you. 

That’s a kindred spirit! 

And no, it’s not just some mushy, romantic thing. 

A kindred spirit can be your partner, your best friend, or even that random person at the coffee shop who complimented your obscure T-shirt reference. 

Basically, a kindred spirit is someone who vibes with your soul’s weird energy.

Why “Kindred Spirit” is Not Just Another Cheesy Relationship Term

“Kindred spirit” might sound like something ripped from a Hallmark card, but it’s way more than just a fluffy phrase. 

It’s about that person who connects with the real you, not just the version you show on social media. 

They vibe with your quirks, your weird habits, and even that obscure hobby you’re low-key obsessed with. 

Think of it this way: they’re not just someone who agrees with you or shares your taste in pizza toppings. 

They see you, flaws, oddities, and all, and still want to binge-watch documentaries with you on a Saturday night.

What makes this term stand out is that a kindred spirit isn’t limited to romantic relationships. 

You can have a kindred spirit bestie, sibling, or even that random person you meet at a concert who just gets why you love that band no one’s heard of. 

This connection goes deeper than the surface. 

It’s like finding someone who speaks your secret language, where half sentences, emojis, and side-eye glances are all you need to communicate.

Plus, a kindred spirit doesn’t drain your energy. 

They add to it. 

Hanging out with them doesn’t feel like work or an obligation. 

You don’t have to be “on” around them. It’s like being on your coziest couch, wrapped in your favorite blanket, sipping hot cocoa, pure comfort. 

And here’s the kicker: they don’t just accept your quirks, they love you more because of them. 

That’s kindred spirit magic, and it’s way beyond your typical rom-com trope.

Five Surprising Signs You’ve Met Your Kindred Spirit (And No, It’s Not Just Chemistry)

So, how do you really know if you’ve met your kindred spirit? 

Here are five weird, sometimes hilarious signs that you’ve found “your person”, and I’m not just talking about in a romantic sense!

You laugh at the same dumb jokes. 

And I don’t just mean the mildly funny ones. 

I’m talking about those truly awful puns or dad jokes that would make most people cringe. 

If you both crack up at “What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta,” then congratulations, you’ve hit kindred spirit territory! 

It’s not just about humor, though. It’s about understanding each other’s oddball sense of fun and rolling with it.

Silences aren’t awkward. 

You know that feeling when a conversation dies, and suddenly you’re scrambling for something to say? 

Yeah, that doesn’t happen with a kindred spirit. 

You can sit there quietly, both scrolling through your phones or just hanging out, and it feels completely comfortable. 

Sometimes, the best conversations happen without words at all.

You have weird inside jokes no one else gets. 

This one’s big!

You and your kindred spirit will likely develop the most random inside jokes that make absolutely no sense to anyone else. 

You could be at a dinner party, make eye contact, and start laughing about “the thing that happened last Tuesday”, and no one around you understands why. 

It’s like your own secret language that only the two of you speak. 

Bonus points if it involves an emoji combo that makes zero sense to others but cracks you both up every time.

You trust them with your Netflix password. 

Think this is no big deal? 

Think again. 

Giving someone access to your Netflix account means they hold the key to your binge-watching life. 

Will they mess up your recommendations? 

Finish your shows without you? 

Not your kindred spirit! 

They know how important your “Continue Watching” list is and would never betray that sacred trust.

It feels like you’ve known them forever. 

Whether you’ve been friends for five minutes or five years, it just feels right. 

It’s like you skipped all the awkward phases of getting to know each other. 

You connect instantly, and conversations flow naturally, like you’re picking up where you left off even though you just met. 

There’s an effortless, familiar vibe that makes everything easy.

Bonus Sign: You’re unapologetically weird around them. 

You don’t have to hold back your quirkiest self. 

Whether it’s busting out a random dance move in the middle of a grocery store or having a three-hour conversation about your wildest conspiracy theories, your kindred spirit won’t judge you. 

In fact, they’ll probably join in, and that’s when you know you’ve hit the jackpot.

Meeting a kindred spirit isn’t just about finding someone you click with. It’s about feeling like you’ve come home. 

They make life easier, funnier, and a whole lot more comfortable, like finding the missing puzzle piece you didn’t even know was missing.

The Hidden Perks of Having a Kindred Spirit (That No One Tells You About)

Having a kindred spirit isn’t just about sharing deep conversations or finishing each other’s sentences (although that’s pretty cool). 

There are some unexpected, under-the-radar perks that no one really talks about, but they’re absolute game-changers for your life.

Personal cheerleader: 

Your kindred spirit will always be in your corner, no matter how ridiculous your ambitions seem. 

Want to start a sock puppet theater? 

They’ll be the first to buy a ticket. 

Going through a rough day and feeling like you’re failing at everything? 

They’re the ones hyping you up, reminding you of your superpowers (and that you’re still a rockstar in their eyes).

Mind-reading powers: 

You don’t even have to explain what’s going on. 

You can send them a vague text like “ugh” or “it happened,” and they’ll instantly know what you mean. 

No further explanation needed. 

It’s as if they’ve mastered the art of interpreting your sighs, groans, and cryptic messages. 

And let’s be honest, having someone who gets you with just a one-word text is priceless.

Low-maintenance friendship: 

With a kindred spirit, you don’t need to check in every five minutes or have constant validation. 

You can go weeks without texting or seeing each other, and when you do finally connect, it’s like you never missed a beat. 

There’s no guilt or awkwardness about the time apart. 

It’s just effortless. 

It’s like your relationship operates on its own special time zone, where weeks feel like minutes.

Your personal sanity keeper: 

When the world is spinning out of control, and everything feels like a dumpster fire, your kindred spirit is your rock. 

They’re that one person who helps keep you grounded and reminds you that you’re not going crazy, even if you feel like the universe is conspiring against you. 

They help you see the humor in life’s chaos, making even the toughest moments feel a little lighter.

Infinite meme supply: 

Let’s be real, a kindred spirit is basically your human meme feed. 

You’ll exchange the most random, hilarious memes at the weirdest hours of the day because you both know it’s exactly what the other needs. 

And it’s not just memes, sometimes it’s weird YouTube videos, TikToks, or that obscure tweet that makes you both laugh for way longer than it should. 

It’s like you have a direct line to their sense of humor at all times.

They let you be a total weirdo: 

Most people have some level of a filter around their friends, but not with a kindred spirit. 

With them, you can go full weirdo. 

You can wear your fluffiest pajamas, dance like a maniac to ‘90s boy bands, or spend hours analyzing the plot holes in a fantasy novel. 

Your kindred spirit won’t just accept your weirdness, they’ll probably join in or, at the very least, cheer you on from the sidelines.

These hidden perks are what make a kindred spirit so special. 

It’s not just about the deep conversations or shared life goals. It’s about the everyday magic they bring into your life. 

They’re the ultimate partner-in-crime, the person who makes life not just bearable, but awesome, even on the most ordinary days.

What to Do If You Haven’t Found Your Kindred Spirit Yet (Don’t Panic!)

So, you haven’t found your kindred spirit yet. 

It’s totally fine! 

This isn’t a race, and the universe isn’t working against you. 

Kindred spirits have a funny way of showing up when you’re least expecting them, usually when you’re in sweatpants, binge-watching your favorite show, or standing in line for coffee looking like you just rolled out of bed. 

Trust me, it happens when it happens.

The best thing you can do while waiting for that magical connection? 

Become your own kindred spirit first. 

I know, I know, it sounds a little woo-woo, but seriously, learning to enjoy your own company is key. 

The more you understand and love yourself, the easier it’ll be to recognize your kindred spirit when they come along. 

Fill your life with things that light you up: whether that’s taking up pottery, joining a trivia league, or finally starting that hobby you’ve been putting off. 

When you’re doing things you love, you’re more likely to meet people who share your passions. 

Kindred spirits often show up in places that reflect who you are, so surround yourself with things that make you happy.

Also, ditch the checklist!

Seriously, stop searching for someone who ticks every box you’ve imagined. 

The best kindred spirit connections aren’t always obvious from the start. 

They might not have the same favorite band or share your obsession with sci-fi, but they’ll click with your soul in unexpected ways. 

Often, the people who seem most different from you on the surface can become your deepest connections. 

So, open yourself up to new experiences and be willing to meet people from all walks of life. 

You never know who’s going to end up becoming your kindred spirit.

Lastly, trust the timing. 

The universe isn’t on a schedule, and there’s no expiration date for finding your kindred spirit. 

It could happen tomorrow, or it could happen years from now. 

And that’s okay! 

In the meantime, focus on cultivating connections that bring you joy. 

Don’t stress about finding “the one” person. 

Surround yourself with people who make you feel seen, heard, and understood, and your kindred spirit will come into your life when the timing is right, probably when you least expect it, like when you’re in the middle of an awkward moment or doing something totally mundane.

The “Unwritten Rules” of a Kindred Spirit Relationship (No One Talks About These!)

When it comes to kindred spirit relationships, there are a few “unwritten rules” that no one really talks about. 

They’re like the secret ingredients that make the connection so special. 

These aren’t rules you consciously follow. They just happen naturally. 

Let’s break down a few of these invisible guidelines that make your kindred spirit bond so magical.

You don’t need constant validation. 

Here’s the thing: kindred spirits don’t need to be glued to their phones or constantly checking in. 

You don’t have to remind each other that you care because it’s just understood. 

You could go days, weeks, or even months without texting, and there’s zero anxiety about it. 

When you do reconnect, it’s like no time has passed. 

It’s the kind of bond where you know you’ve got each other’s back, whether you talk every day or not. 

It’s a chill, low-pressure relationship where you both just know the connection is solid.

Banter is basically a love language. 

Teasing each other is practically required. 

You’ll poke fun at their goofy dance moves or their obsession with terrible reality TV, and they’ll roast you about your slightly embarrassing Spotify playlist. 

But it’s all in good fun. 

With a kindred spirit, you don’t have to walk on eggshells. 

Banter is just another way of saying, “I love you, weirdness and all.” 

If you can dish it out and take it, you’ve got a good thing going.

No judgment zone—ever. 

Seriously, ever!

Kindred spirits don’t just accept your flaws, they embrace them. 

You could share the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy stories (like that time you tripped in front of your crush in middle school) and your kindred spirit won’t bat an eye. 

They might laugh with you, but they’ll never make you feel bad. 

You can show up in your worst mood, at your messiest, or at your most vulnerable, and they’ll still see you exactly the same. 

With a kindred spirit, you can be 100% unapologetically yourself without worrying about what they’ll think.

You communicate in your own weird way. 

Your kindred spirit isn’t just someone you can text at any time. 

It’s the person you can communicate with through pure nonsense, and they’ll get it. 

Random GIFs? 


Weird inside jokes that make no sense to anyone else? 


You could send a string of emojis that looks like gibberish to everyone else, and they’ll respond with the exact same energy. 

It’s like you’ve created your own mini language of absurdity, and it makes the relationship that much more fun and playful.

They know when you need space, and they don’t take it personally. 

One of the greatest things about a kindred spirit is that they intuitively know when you need to retreat into your introvert bubble. 

Whether you’re dealing with a busy week, going through something personal, or just need some alone time, they don’t freak out or take it as a sign of trouble. 

They just get it. 

Kindred spirits understand that space is a part of maintaining balance, and they give it to you without hesitation. 

And when you’re ready to hang out again, they’ll be there, ready to pick up where you left off.

Unconditional support, no matter what. 

Whether you’re going after a wild dream or facing a tough time, your kindred spirit will always be your biggest cheerleader. 

But here’s the twist: they won’t just tell you what you want to hear. 

They’ll be real with you, offering the tough love when needed but always from a place of care. 

They’ll push you when they know you need it and comfort you when things don’t go as planned. 

They’re the perfect mix of support and honesty, making sure you grow while also having someone to lean on.

At the end of the day, a kindred spirit relationship is all about acceptance, playfulness, and trust. 

It’s that effortless connection where you can be fully yourself, quirks and all, and still feel loved and appreciated. 

There’s no need for constant affirmations or explanations. 

You just get each other. 

It’s like an unspoken contract of mutual weirdness, love, and unwavering support, and those are the best kinds of relationships.


Finding your kindred spirit is one of the most magical connections in life, but keeping that connection strong takes effort, especially in relationships. 

Click here to get the Better Topics Card Game for Couples!

That’s where the Better Topics Card Game for Couples comes in. It’s the perfect tool to help you and your partner improve communication while having fun at the same time.

This game isn’t just about deep talks. It’s about staying playful and discovering new things about each other. 

Whether you’ve been together for years or you’re still in the honeymoon phase, the questions and challenges in this game keep the conversation flowing and the bond growing.

So, if you’re looking to strengthen that kindred spirit connection with your partner, why not give the Better Topics Card Game a try? 

It’s a fun and easy way to stay connected, communicate better, and enjoy each other’s company in a whole new way!

Click here to get the Better Topics Card Game for Couples!


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