Wondering what a sneaky link is? Well, today we’re talking exactly about that touching on what it is. And most importantly how to get out of it!
Every time a new hit song comes out and it has some widely used slang expressions, people tend to adopt them quickly. And start using them more and more.
Now the term ‘sneaky link’ has been around for quite some time. But not used as much as it has over the past couple of years.
Without wanting to sound racist, as this is not my intention here, this phrase was used by some cultures in particular. As it fits perfectly within the hood slang.
With certain music videos becoming viral, the sneaky link term has been quickly adopted by people all over the world. Many even bragging online about their ‘sneaky link’ situation.
I’m not saying that people were not engaging in having sneaky links before… Just that nowadays this seems to be something to brag about, instead of something to keep hidden.
At the end of the day we all do whatever we want to do in our dating life. But some might be involved in a ‘sneaky link’ situation without them even wanting to necessarily.
Before we get to the part how you can tell if you’re in a ‘sneaky link’ situation and how to get out of it, let’s learn what it actually means:
What is the slang meaning of sneaky link?
The slang “sneaky link” usually refers to romantic or sexual encounters that people keep hidden or secret from others.
In this context, a “sneaky link” may refer to a secret meeting or hookup between two people who don’t want others to know about it.
It may also refer to a late-night text message or call to someone you’re interested in. With the intention of arranging a private meeting or date.
However, it’s worth noting that this slang usage of “sneaky link” can sometimes carry negative connotations. As it implies that the actions being taken are deceitful or dishonest in some way.
It can also be a part of cheating. So if one partner is cheating, we could say that they have a ‘sneaky link’, behind their partner’s back.
Other times it is just 2 people who tend to hook up. Without letting anyone else know what they are doing.
However, as with any slang term, it’s important to be aware of the context in which it’s being used and to use it appropriately.
There are other meanings of a sneaky link, which come from programming, that has a different meaning to it.
What is a sneaky link in the context of relationships?
A sneaky link in the context of relationships typically refers to secretly meeting up with someone. Often a person of romantic interest, without the knowledge or consent of one’s partner.
This can involve going out on dates or engaging in intimate activities behind one’s partner’s back.
The term “sneaky” implies that the behavior is covert or hidden. And may be seen as a form of deception or infidelity.
In some cases, a sneaky link may also involve communicating with someone in a way that is kept secret from one’s partner. Such as through private messaging or social media.
So having a ‘sneaky link’ can also mean that they’re just talking with someone else, behind their partner’s back. And having romantic intentions towards someone else.
It doesn’t only refer to actually meeting someone behind a partner’s back with the intention of cheating.
Why do people engage in sneaky links?
There are several reasons why people might engage in sneaky links in the context of relationships.
One reason is the desire for novelty or excitement. Engaging in secret activities with someone can create a sense of thrill or adventure that may be lacking in a long-term, committed relationship.
Another reason is a lack of satisfaction or fulfillment in one’s current relationship.
If someone is feeling emotionally neglected or sexually unsatisfied, they may seek out the attention of someone else. Even if it means being sneaky or dishonest.
In some cases, people may also engage in sneaky links as a way to test the waters of a potential new relationship. Without fully committing to ending their current one.
There may also be deeper emotional or psychological reasons for engaging in sneaky links, such as a fear of commitment, a need for validation or attention, or unresolved issues from past relationships or childhood experiences.

Is having a sneaky link cheating?
In most cases, engaging in a sneaky link would be considered a form of cheating.
Cheating generally involves engaging in behaviors that are deceptive or dishonest. And that violate the agreed-upon boundaries or expectations of a relationship.
When one partner engages in a sneaky link, they are typically being secretive about their actions and potentially engaging in intimate activities with someone else. Which can cause emotional pain and damage the trust that is essential to a healthy relationship.
Of course, what constitutes cheating may vary depending on the couple’s relationship agreement and individual values.
Some people may have more permissive attitudes towards their partners engaging in activities outside the relationship. While others may have stricter boundaries and view even emotional connections with someone else as cheating.
However, in most cases, a sneaky link would be seen as a violation of trust and an act of infidelity.
But it is now always the case. Sometimes people can refer to a sneaky link just as someone they sometimes see for intimate activities and they just want to keep it a secret, without telling others who that person is, or even what they’re doing.
How can I tell if my partner is engaging in sneaky links?
If you suspect that your partner may be engaging in sneaky links, there are several signs you can look for:
- They are being secretive about their phone or computer use, such as hiding their screen or quickly closing out of apps when you enter the room.
- They are suddenly spending more time away from home or work, without a clear explanation of where they are going or who they are with.
- They are being defensive or evasive when you ask about their activities or whereabouts.
- They are less interested in spending time with you or seem emotionally distant or disconnected.
- They are suddenly dressing up or paying more attention to their appearance, which may indicate they are trying to impress someone else.
- They are receiving frequent calls or messages from someone you don’t know or are being secretive about their communications with certain people.
It’s important to note that these signs do not necessarily mean that your partner is engaging in sneaky links.
However, if you notice multiple signs and feel like something is off in your relationship, it may be worth having an open and honest conversation with your partner to address your concerns and clarify expectations.
And if you think that most of these are also signs of cheating, you would be right. Because someone has a ‘sneaky link’ whilst in a relationship, they are definitely cheating. Unless that is something that the partners have agreed upon and they’re having more of an open relationship.
How can I tell if I am a sneaky link for someone without me wanting to be?
If both partners are ok to be each other’s ‘sneaky links’ that’s ok, and acceptable.
However, if you suspect that you may be a sneaky link for someone without your knowledge or consent, there are several signs you can look for:
- The person is often unavailable or secretive about their schedule. And may only be able to meet you at certain times or in certain locations.
It might seem like they only contact you when they are free of other commitments. And that they are contacting you only for a getting intimate, instead of actually wanting a relationship.
- They may avoid introducing you to their friends or family. Or may not want to be seen with you in public places.
This is one of the biggest red flags when it comes to cheating and being someone’s ‘sneaky link’ without you wanting to.
It is clear that whenever they avoid introducing you to their family and or friends, they want to keep you and your ‘connection’ secret and hidden.
- They may only communicate with you through certain channels. Such as social media or messaging apps. And may not want to talk on the phone or in person.
There’s one thing if they are working in an environment where they shouldn’t be on their phone all day. But it is a totally different thing when you know they should be free to talk on the phone. But they still limit that to texting.
Maybe they just don’t want whoever is near them, hearing what they want to say to you… If you know what I mean.
- They may not be interested in a committed relationship or may give you mixed signals about their intentions.
They might be very undecided as to whether to be in a relationship with you or not… Or at least appear not to be. When in reality they know they don’t want a relationship with you, but still keep you along for enjoyment. And giving you hope once in a while just to keep you around and willing
- They may not want to share personal details about their life or may be vague about their interests, hobbies, or relationships with other people.
Again, if everything you know about them is very brief and have little information you could wonder if they only keep you around for fun… and nothing more.
If they are not sharing personal information with you it means they don’t want to give you information that you might be able to use against them at some point… especially as they are just considering you their ‘sneaky link’ rather than someone they want a relationship with.
If you notice these signs and suspect that you may be a sneaky link for someone, it’s important to trust your instincts and communicate your concerns.
You have the right to know if someone is not being honest or transparent about their intentions, and it’s important to protect your own emotional wellbeing.
Consider having an open and honest conversation with the person to clarify their intentions and ensure that your relationship is based on mutual respect and honesty.
How do I confront my partner about their sneaky links without accusing them or causing a fight?
Confronting your partner about their sneaky links can be a difficult and emotional conversation, but there are ways to approach it in a constructive and respectful way.
Here are some tips:
Firstly start with an open and non-accusatory tone. Avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions, and instead, approach the conversation from a place of curiosity and concern.
Secondly use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. For example, instead of saying “you’ve been acting suspiciously lately,” say “I’ve been feeling uneasy about some things and I’d like to talk to you about them.”
Thirdly, be specific about your concerns. Instead of making vague accusations, point out specific behaviors or instances that have caused you to feel suspicious or uncomfortable.
Fourthly, listen actively to your partner’s response. Give them the space to explain their side of the story and try to understand their perspective, even if you don’t agree with it.
Fifthly, focus on problem-solving and finding solutions. Instead of getting bogged down in blame or accusations, work together to find a way forward that feels comfortable and respectful for both of you.
Sixthly, set clear boundaries and expectations for the future. If you decide to work through the issue together, make sure that you both understand what is and isn’t acceptable behavior going forward and what steps you will take to rebuild trust.
Remember that confronting your partner about their sneaky links can be a difficult and emotional process. And it’s important to take care of yourself throughout the process.
Consider seeking support from a therapist or trusted friend if you need help navigating the conversation and managing your emotions.

How can I set boundaries with my partner to prevent them from engaging in sneaky links?
Setting boundaries with your partner is an important step in preventing them from engaging in sneaky links.
Many of these steps are the same that you should take at the beginning of your relationship.
Here are some tips to help you set effective boundaries:
- Be clear and specific. Your boundaries should be clear and easy to understand. Avoid vague or ambiguous statements that can be interpreted in different ways.
- Communicate your boundaries clearly. Once you’ve established your boundaries, make sure to communicate them clearly to your partner. You can do this by having an open and honest conversation about your expectations.
- Be firm but flexible. Your boundaries should be firm, but also allow for some flexibility. Be willing to listen to your partner’s perspective and be open to negotiation.
- Consider the consequences. Think about what will happen if your partner violates your boundaries. Be prepared to enforce consequences if necessary.
- Set consequences that are appropriate. Your consequences should be appropriate to the violation and should be communicated in advance. For example, if your partner violates your boundary by going out without telling you, the consequence might be that you won’t be available to talk to them for a certain period of time.
- Revisit your boundaries regularly. As your relationship evolves, your boundaries may need to change. It’s important to revisit your boundaries regularly to make sure they still make sense for your relationship.
Remember that setting boundaries is not about controlling your partner, but about creating a healthy and respectful relationship.
If your partner is unwilling to respect your boundaries, it may be a sign that the relationship is not working and that it’s time to reevaluate your priorities.
How can I move on from a relationship where sneaky links were present?
Moving on from a relationship where sneaky links were present can be a difficult and emotional process. But there are steps you can take to help you heal and move forward.
Here are some tips:
Take time to grieve. It’s normal to feel a sense of loss and sadness after the end of a relationship, even if it wasn’t a healthy one.
Allow yourself time to process your emotions and grieve the loss of the relationship.
Focus on self-care. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally.
This may include exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, and seeking support from friends or a therapist.
Reflect on the relationship. Take time to reflect on what happened in the relationship and how it affected you.
This can help you identify patterns that you tend to have and make better choices in future relationships.
Let go of anger and resentment. Holding onto anger and resentment can prevent you from moving on and finding happiness.
Try to let go of negative emotions and focus on forgiveness and compassion. Holding on to grudges only hurts you and it doesn’t really affect the other person. So working on forgiveness is quite crucial in being able to move on.
Set boundaries for future relationships. Use what you learned from the relationship to set clear boundaries and expectations for future relationships.
This can help you avoid similar situations in the future.
Seek closure. If possible, seek closure from your ex-partner. This may involve having a conversation to gain closure or writing a letter that you don’t necessarily have to send.
You can ask them things like: What is it that made you want to have a sneaky link whilst we were in a relationship? Be ready to receive any answer, or even no answer at all.
Some people are just not good at communicating.
Remember that moving on from a relationship takes time and there is no set timeline for healing.
Be patient with yourself and focus on taking small steps forward each day. With time and effort, you can heal and move on to a happier and healthier future.
Other terms used for sneaky links?
In the context of relationships, there are a few other terms that are sometimes used to refer to behaviors similar to sneaky links. Here are a few examples:
Side action: This term refers to engaging in activities or relationships outside of one’s committed partnership. It implies engaging in secret or hidden actions.
Infidelity: Infidelity generally refers to the act of being unfaithful or engaging in sexual or emotional relationships outside of a committed partnership. While it encompasses a broader range of behaviors, sneaky links can fall under the umbrella of infidelity.
Cheating: Cheating refers to breaking the rules or boundaries of a committed relationship. It includes various forms of deception, such as engaging in sneaky links, emotional affairs, or sexual encounters with others.
Sneaking around: This phrase describes the act of being secretive or engaging in activities covertly. Including meeting up with someone without one’s partner’s knowledge.
Keeping someone on the side: This phrase suggests having a person as a secondary option or hidden relationship while maintaining a primary partnership.
It’s important to note that while these terms may have some overlap with sneaky links, they may also have different connotations or nuances depending on the context in which they are used.
Can a sneaky link situation transform into a relationship?
While it is possible for a sneaky link situation to transform into a relationship, it can be quite challenging and complex.
Sneaky links typically involve secrecy, deception, and a lack of openness. Which are not conducive to building a healthy foundation for a long-term, committed relationship.
Trust is a fundamental component of a strong relationship, and engaging in sneaky links can severely damage or erode trust.
For a sneaky link situation to have the potential to transform into a genuine, healthy relationship, both parties would need to address the underlying issues that led to the sneaky behavior.
This typically involves open and honest communication, reflection on personal motivations, and a commitment to rebuilding trust.
It’s important to have sincere discussions about expectations, boundaries, and what each person wants from the relationship.
However, transforming a sneaky link situation into a healthy relationship requires a significant amount of effort and commitment. Also willingness from both individuals to confront the trust issues and work on building a solid foundation.
It’s crucial to assess whether the circumstances surrounding the sneaky links align with your values. And what you desire in a relationship.
It makes you wonder whether they would be honest with you in your relationship if they weren’t’ whilst you were his ‘sneaky link’. And if your potential partner has lied to others about you… What makes you think that they won’t end up lying to you about other potential ‘sneaky links’?
In many cases, it may be healthier and more fulfilling to seek a fresh start in a relationship that is built on openness, trust, and mutual respect, rather than attempting to salvage a relationship that originated from a sneaky link situation.