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Not Good Enough? Girl, Please!

Feeling like you’re not good enough? 

Hey there, self-doubter! 

Spoiler alert: You totally are! 

But guess what? 

We’ve all been there. 

That nagging little voice in your head saying, “You’re just not good enough.” You know, the one that pops up when you’re scrolling Instagram at 2 a.m., seeing everyone else living their “perfect” lives? 

Well, that voice is a liar! 

So, let’s get into it, and by the end, you’ll be laughing at how wrong it was. 

Pinky promise.

Where Does This “Not Good Enough” Nonsense Even Come From?

Quick answer: Blame society! 

Society has been selling us this “not good enough” lie since we were kids. 

Remember those perfect Barbie dolls with their impossible proportions and Ken looking like he’s never had a bad hair day? 

Yeah, those toys were setting us up for failure early on. 

Barbie never had cellulite or forgot her Wi-Fi password. 

She’s not real, and neither are the standards that come with her!

And let’s not even talk about advertising. 

Every product out there is marketed to fix some imaginary flaw. 

Don’t like your skin? 

Buy this cream. 

Think your hair’s too flat? 

Use this volumizer. 

They’re all screaming, “You’re not good enough as you are!”

And then social media rolled in. 

Oh, sweet Instagram, with its perfectly filtered, curated images. 

One minute you’re scrolling, and the next thing you know, you’re three accounts deep into a fitness model’s page, wondering why your abs don’t have abs. 

But here’s a little secret: they don’t always look like that either! 

People post their best angles, their best outfits, and their best lighting. 

What you don’t see is them crouched over in sweatpants eating ice cream straight from the carton. 

Trust me, everyone has those moments.

And don’t even get me started on those before-and-after transformations. 

You think, “Oh wow, she’s a goddess now!” 

But they never tell you how miserable she was eating boiled chicken and broccoli for six months. 

Or how she’s unrecognizable to her friends because all she does now is work out and complain about carbs.

Oh, and then there’s the family pressure!

Your mom asks why you’re still single like it’s some kind of failure, or Aunt Karen can’t stop asking when you’re going to have kids. 

Like, chill, Karen! 

We’re just out here trying to remember to put on pants before Zoom meetings. 

Can we catch a break?

Society has set up this crazy game where the rules keep changing. 

First, it was all about being thin, then it was about being curvy in the “right” places. 

Then suddenly, it’s about your career. 

But oh wait, now you’re supposed to balance a career with family life and a side hustle where you sell artisanal candles or something. 

It’s exhausting!

The trick is realizing the game is rigged. 

They want you to feel not good enough so you’ll keep chasing this impossible ideal. 

More beauty products, more gym memberships, more pressure to “have it all.” 

But guess what? 

You don’t have to play. 

You’re enough just as you are, whether you’re crushing it at work, binge-watching Netflix, or dancing like a maniac in your living room.

Let’s face it: trying to be “good enough” by society’s standards is like trying to hit a moving target with a blindfold on. 

And, spoiler alert, the target doesn’t even exist.

Perfectionism: The Ultimate Fun Sucker

Perfectionism is like that friend who seems cool at first but ends up ruining every party. 

At first, it seems like striving for perfection is the key to success. 

But, plot twist: it’s actually a trap! 

Perfectionism doesn’t just suck the fun out of everything, it also steals your time, your peace of mind, and probably your favorite snacks, too.

Let’s be real: being perfect is impossible.

It’s exhausting, like running on a treadmill that never stops. 

And, honestly, who has the energy for that? 

Not to mention, perfectionism sets you up for constant disappointment. 

You could be killing it 99% of the time, but that tiny 1% “imperfection” is what you’ll obsess over. 

It’s like cooking an amazing dinner and then crying because you burned one piece of garlic bread. 


Life’s too short for that!

But here’s the kicker: Perfectionism doesn’t make you better; it just makes you stressed out. 

Like, why are we so obsessed with folding laundry like we’re auditioning for a role on Marie Kondo? 

I’m pretty sure there are no bonus points for perfectly folded towels in the game of life. 

Spoiler: crumpled towels still dry you off just fine.

And let’s talk about how perfectionism kills creativity. 

Ever notice how when you’re too focused on getting everything “just right,” you end up getting nothing done? 

You stare at that blank page, clean canvas, or half-written email for hours, paralyzed by the fear of making a mistake. 

Guess what? 

Mistakes are where the magic happens! Some of the coolest ideas come from accidental “oops” moments. 

Trying to be perfect is like editing yourself out of your own life.

Perfectionism doesn’t just mess with your work or hobbies either, it seeps into relationships. 

Trying to be the perfect partner, parent, or friend? 

Good luck! 

You’ll just burn out trying to meet impossible expectations. 

I mean, who decided that being a great mom means you have to make Pinterest-worthy school lunches every day? 

A sandwich is still a sandwich, even if it’s not cut into the shape of a unicorn.

Perfectionism also kills spontaneity. 

When you’re so focused on doing everything flawlessly, you miss out on the fun stuff. 

Like, you could be stress-cleaning your kitchen, trying to make it Instagram-ready, or you could be baking a messy cake with your kids and not caring that flour is everywhere. 

Guess which one makes better memories?

Here’s the best part: people don’t love you because you’re perfect. 

They love you because you’re real! 

Nobody’s sitting around thinking, “You know, I would like her more if she vacuumed better.” 

Trust me, your friends aren’t judging you for not alphabetizing your spice rack. 

They love you for your quirks, your laugh, and maybe even that story about how you once tried to fix a sink with duct tape and a prayer.

So what if you didn’t send that thank-you note right away? 

Or maybe your eyeliner wings aren’t perfectly even today. (Let’s be honest, when are they?) 

Life doesn’t come with a perfection checklist. It’s more like a blooper reel, and those are always more fun to watch anyway.

Perfectionism is overrated, like expensive bottled water or those trendy diets that involve eating only celery. 

Give yourself permission to be human!

Humans spill coffee, forget their passwords, and sometimes wear mismatched socks.

And guess what?

They’re still fabulous.

Spoiler: You’re Already Good Enough

Here’s the truth bomb of the century: you’re already good enough! 

Yep, just as you are: messy hair, unwashed dishes, mismatched socks, and all. 

We’ve been conditioned to think we need to do more, be more, achieve more, just to be “enough.” 

But guess what? 

You don’t need to earn your worthiness like it’s some kind of Girl Scout badge. It’s already baked into you like chocolate chips in a cookie. No extra steps needed.

Here’s the thing no one tells you: You’re not supposed to be everything to everyone. 

You’re not a one-stop shop for perfection! 

You’re allowed to be imperfect, to mess up, to say the wrong thing, to have days when you can barely make it out of bed. 

The world won’t fall apart because you didn’t send that email right away or because you forgot to fold the laundry. 

Spoiler alert: That laundry will still be there tomorrow. 

And honestly, does anyone actually enjoy folding laundry? 


Remember, you don’t need anyone’s approval to be worthy, not your boss’s, not your mom’s, and definitely not your ex’s. 

That’s right, not even your ex, who ghosted you and now posts motivational quotes on Instagram like they’re a life coach. (Eye roll, am I right?) 

Your worth isn’t tied to someone else’s opinion, job title, or how many likes you get on your latest selfie. It’s something you already have, just by being here.

And here’s another fun fact: People often love you for the things you’re most insecure about. 

That weird snort-laugh you try to hide? 

Someone out there thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. 

The fact that you can’t cook to save your life? 

That’s probably a great reason to order pizza and laugh about it. 

The things you think make you “not good enough” are often the things that make you real, relatable, and, dare I say, lovable.

So next time you catch yourself thinking, “I’m not good enough,” just stop. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re a whole human being with quirks, flaws, and an inner Beyoncé (who, by the way, probably has bad days too). 

You’ve got nothing to prove! 

You don’t need to jump through hoops, reach a certain milestone, or fit into a certain size to be enough. You’re enough just by existing, and that’s a pretty awesome thing.

Want to know what really makes you “good enough”?

It’s not about having the perfect career, body, or relationship. But about showing up as yourself, even when you feel like a hot mess. 

It’s about laughing at your mistakes, embracing your quirks, and being kind to yourself even when you’re not “on top of it.” 

The world doesn’t need more “perfect” people; it needs more real ones. And you, my friend, are as real and as good as it gets.

The Weird Stuff You Don’t Hear Often: Own Your Flaws

Alright, here’s the juicy truth that no one talks about: Your so-called “flaws”? 

They’re actually your secret sauce. 

Yep, the things you try to hide or fix are often the very things that make you awesome. 

Everyone’s out here trying to iron out their quirks and imperfections, but guess what? 

It’s those quirks that make you stand out! Who wants to be a basic, cookie-cutter version of perfection anyway? 

That’s boring!

Molds are for cookies, not for people.

Let’s be real: the stuff you hate about yourself is probably the stuff other people find endearing. 

That gap between your teeth? 

Cute as heck. 

Your uncontrollable laugh that turns into a snort? 


Your constant need to make terrible puns? 

Absolutely charming. 

And yet, here we are, trying to fix every little thing about ourselves like we’re malfunctioning robots. 

You’re not a robot, you’re a living, breathing, beautiful mess of a human, and that’s what makes you lovable.

Think about it: The people you love the most in your life, your friends, family, maybe even your significant other, do you love them because they’re flawless? 

No way! 

You love them because of their little quirks, the way they burn toast every time or how they cry at commercials with puppies. 

Those “flaws” are what make them real and relatable. 

So why are you holding yourself to a different standard?

Here’s a fun fact: when you try to hide your flaws, you’re actually dimming your own light. 

It’s like trying to cover a Picasso painting because you think the lines are too squiggly. 

Girl, you are the masterpiece! 

Those things that make you feel “different” are the same things that make you unforgettable. 

Own them! 

Flaunt them! 

Make them your trademark!

In fact, let’s stop calling them “flaws” altogether. 

Let’s rebrand!

They’re features, like special edition quirks that come with you. 

You know when a car has heated seats and a moonroof? 

That’s what your quirks are: upgrades! 

They make you unique and set you apart from all those basic models out there. 

You’re the limited edition version of yourself, and that’s pretty dang special.

And here’s something else no one talks about: Perfection is actually kind of annoying. 

You ever met someone who seems too perfect? 

It’s intimidating, and if we’re being honest, a little boring. 

There’s no story in perfect. 

There’s no connection in flawless. 

The magic happens in the messy, awkward, and wonderfully weird. 

That’s where people relate to you, where they say, “Oh my gosh, me too!” 

That’s where the good stuff is. 

So, why are you trying to smooth out the most interesting parts of yourself?

You know what else? 

The things you think are flaws might actually be your strengths in disguise. 

That “loud” personality you’ve always tried to tone down? 

That’s charisma, honey! 

Own it.! 

That time you tried to give a presentation but accidentally knocked over a glass of water and made a joke about it? 

That’s quick wit. 

Embrace it! 

Being “too sensitive”? 

That’s actually emotional intelligence, and it’s a superpower. 

What you see as weaknesses might be the very things that make you powerful.

Let’s not forget about the ultimate truth: nobody, I repeat, nobody has it all together. 

Even the people who seem like they’re gliding through life without a single misstep are dealing with their own insecurities and quirks. 

The difference? 

They’ve learned to embrace them. 

They’ve figured out that perfection is overrated, and what really matters is showing up authentically, flaws and all.

Owning your flaws is like waving a giant flag that says, “Hey, world, this is me, and I’m not apologizing for it.” 

It’s freeing! 

It’s powerful! 

And you know what? 

It’s magnetic! 

People are drawn to realness, to those who embrace their imperfections and wear them like a badge of honor. 

It gives others permission to be imperfect too, and suddenly, you’re surrounded by people who love you for you: the real, unfiltered, sometimes messy, sometimes magical you.

So next time you catch yourself obsessing over something you think is a flaw, stop and ask yourself: “Would I love my best friend any less because of this?” 

Of course not! 

And if you wouldn’t judge someone else for it, why judge yourself? 

Celebrate the quirks, the weirdness, the little things that make you, you. 

Because that’s what makes you unforgettable. 

And in a world full of people trying to be the same, being unforgettable is way better than being “perfect.”

“Good Enough” is a Myth (Just Like Unicorns and Kale Chips That Taste Good)

Let’s get one thing straight: “good enough” is a myth. 

It’s like the unicorn of self-worth: everyone’s heard of it, but no one’s ever seen it. 

We chase this magical idea of being good enough, thinking there’s some invisible bar we need to reach. 

But here’s the kicker: that bar doesn’t even exist!

And if it did, it’d keep moving higher every time you got close, because life loves to play tricks like that.

Who even decided what “good enough” is, anyway? 


Your inner critic? 

That one high school teacher who thought you’d never amount to anything? 

Spoiler alert: no one gets to decide your worth but you! 

And trying to live up to some mythical standard is like chasing a rainbow. You’re never going to catch it, and you’ll just end up tired and frustrated.

Also, let’s talk about how completely random these so-called standards are. 

First, it’s all about being thin, then curvy, then “strong is the new skinny”. 

How are we supposed to keep up? 

Are we fashion trends now? 

One season we’re supposed to be minimalist queens, the next, it’s maximalist chaos. 

Even beauty trends are wild: today it’s matte lips, tomorrow it’s gloss, and don’t even get me started on eyebrow fads! 

Trying to mold yourself to fit these ever-changing trends is exhausting. 

And honestly? 

It’s impossible! 

The second you think you’ve nailed it, society shifts the goalposts again.

Plus, here’s a secret: no one is walking around thinking about whether or not you’re “good enough.” 

Seriously, people are too busy worrying about their own stuff to sit around judging you. 

Everyone is caught up in their own lives, their own insecurities, and their own chaos. 

That person you think has it all together? 

They’re probably stressed out about something completely random, like whether they left the stove on or why their cat doesn’t seem to like them anymore. 

We’re all a little bit of a mess, and that’s totally fine.

What really makes this “good enough” myth ridiculous is that it’s based on the idea that there’s a universal scale for worth. 

Like there’s some secret committee that grades us on our ability to juggle work, relationships, fitness, and self-care, and if we don’t get a gold star in every category, we’ve failed. 

But newsflash: no one is getting gold stars in every category. 

Not even the people who look like they have it all together. 

Life’s a balancing act, and sometimes you’ve just got to drop a few balls (preferably not on your foot) to make it through the day.

So let’s just admit it: “good enough” is a total myth, just like those kale chips that promise to taste like potato chips but never, ever do. 

Stop chasing it! 

Instead, focus on being your own version of awesome. 

You define what’s enough for you, not society, not some unrealistic standard, and definitely not that random influencer on Instagram with the curated life. 

Forget the myth and embrace your reality!

Conclusion: You’re Not Good Enough, You’re Fabulous

In the end, it’s all about owning who you are, flaws, quirks, and all, and recognizing that being “good enough” isn’t something you need to strive for.

It’s already in you! 

The more you embrace your uniqueness, the more confident and joyful you’ll feel in both life and relationships.

Click here to get the Better Topics Card Game for Couples!

Speaking of relationships, let’s talk about communication. We all know how crucial it is, but it can be tricky, right? 

That’s where the Better Topics Card Game for Couples comes in. 

It’s designed to spark meaningful conversations with your partner in a fun, playful way. 

No more awkward silences or repetitive chats!

This game helps you bond, laugh, and get closer while keeping things light and engaging.

So why not give it a try? 

Grab your partner, pour a drink, and make a date night out of it. 

The Better Topics Card Game isn’t just about deep conversations. It’s about staying connected, building better communication, and having fun together. 

After all, relationships are meant to be playful, right?

Click here to get the Better Topics Card Game for Couples!


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