If you’ve ever found yourself asking, “Does he like me?” while frantically searching for a does he like me quiz, you’re not alone. Let’s be real—guys can be more confusing than the ending of a mystery novel. One minute he’s texting you memes, the next he’s ghosting your stories. So, how do you know if he’s into you or just being polite? That’s where this fun, no-nonsense quiz comes in.
Think of it as your personal detective toolkit for unraveling the truth. Is he blushing when you walk into the room? Laughing a little too hard at your corny jokes? Or is he just playing it cool? We’ve got 20 questions to help you figure it out. Ready to get some answers and maybe a few laughs along the way? Let’s dive into the ultimate does he like me quiz and find out if you’ve got a secret admirer—or just a really good friend.
The “Does He Like Me Quiz”
Answer each question honestly—this isn’t the SATs, no one’s judging you here! Keep track of your answers because the scoring at the end will reveal all.
Does he text you first, or are you always the conversation starter?
a) He texts first most of the time.
b) Sometimes I text first, sometimes he does.
c) I might as well be his unpaid personal assistant because it’s always me.
When you’re talking, does he make consistent eye contact?
a) Yes, and it’s like he’s looking into my soul.
b) Sometimes, but not always.
c) No, he’s more interested in his phone or the ceiling.
Has he ever complimented you?
a) Yes, and it’s always specific—like my smile or my laugh.
b) He has, but it’s more generic, like “You’re nice.”
c) No, he’s as silent as a statue.
Does he remember little details about you, like your favorite coffee order?
a) Yes, he once brought me my exact favorite drink without asking.
b) Sometimes, but I have to remind him.
c) What’s a coffee order?
Does he laugh at your jokes?
a) Yes, even when I’m not funny (bless him).
b) Only when they’re actually funny.
c) No, he’s got a poker face that could win championships.
When you’re around, does he seem to act nervous or extra cool?
a) Yes, it’s like he’s auditioning for a rom-com.
b) Maybe? I can’t really tell.
c) Nah, he’s just chilling like it’s any other day.
Does he initiate plans to hang out?
a) Yes, he even suggests fun activities.
b) Sometimes, but I usually have to nudge him.
c) Nope, he’s got a social calendar full of not me.
Has he introduced you to his friends or family?
a) Yes, and they already know who I am!
b) Kind of—maybe a passing mention.
c) No, I might as well be his secret pen pal.
How often does he compliment your appearance?
a) Often, and it feels genuine.
b) Sometimes, but not consistently.
c) Never—what am I, wallpaper?
Does he text you goodnight or good morning?
a) Yes, it’s a regular thing.
b) Sometimes, but not always.
c) Nah, my phone screen stays dark.
How does he act when another guy talks to you?
a) A little jealous but in a cute way.
b) He doesn’t seem to care much.
c) He acts like he didn’t notice.
Has he ever done something unexpectedly sweet for you?
a) Yes, and I still think about it.
b) Once or twice, but it’s rare.
c) No, he’s never gone the extra mile.
When you’re together, does he focus on you or get distracted?
a) He’s all about me—like a hawk.
b) Sometimes he’s focused, other times he’s distracted.
c) He’s distracted more than an Instagram-addicted teen.
Does he ask you questions about yourself?
a) Yes, and they’re thoughtful questions.
b) Sometimes, but it feels more like small talk.
c) No, I might as well be interviewing myself.
How does he act around you and your friends?
a) He’s charming and polite, like a perfect rom-com lead.
b) Neutral—he’s not rude but doesn’t go out of his way either.
c) Awkward AF or uninterested.
Does he tease you in a playful way?
a) Yes, it’s like our own little flirt language.
b) Occasionally, but not often.
c) No, he doesn’t tease me at all.
Does he follow up after you’ve had a bad day?
a) Yes, he checks in and tries to cheer me up.
b) Sometimes, if I remind him.
c) No, I’m on my own.
Has he ever given you a nickname?
a) Yes, and it’s adorable.
b) Not really, but he uses my name a lot.
c) No, it’s strictly formal.
Does he touch you casually, like brushing your hand or shoulder?
a) Yes, and it feels intentional but sweet.
b) Occasionally, but not often.
c) No, we might as well have a social distancing rule.
When you’re talking, does he try to keep the conversation going?
a) Yes, it’s like he doesn’t want it to end.
b) Sometimes, but not always.
c) No, it feels like pulling teeth.
Scoring & Solutions
Mostly A’s: He’s Into You, Babe!
He’s showing all the classic signs of liking you. Go ahead and make a move if you feel like it—he might just be waiting for you to confirm you’re interested too! Keep the vibe fun, flirty, and authentic.
Mostly B’s: He’s on the Fence.
There’s potential here, but he’s either shy, unsure, or not ready to commit. The best move? Be upfront about your feelings in a lighthearted way—no pressure, just honesty. If he steps up, great. If not, you know where you stand.
Mostly C’s: Girl, He’s Just Not That Into You.
I know, ouch. But don’t waste your fabulous energy on someone who doesn’t see your worth. Focus on self-care, meet new people, and remember: the right guy won’t leave you guessing.
Now that you’ve finished this “does he like me quiz,” you should have a better idea of what’s going on in his head. Whatever the outcome, just remember: you’re amazing, and the right person will treat you like the queen you are.
So, did you get your answers from the “Does He Like Me Quiz”?
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