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How to Show Someone You Love Them?

Today we’re talking about how to show someone you love them… because just talking about it doesn’t make it real. 

We’ve all seen those over-the-top romantic gestures in the movies. 

You know, the guy with the boombox outside the window or the girl writing love letters in the rain. 

But in real life, how to show someone you love them doesn’t require cinematic flair. 

In fact, it’s all about the tiny, everyday actions that most people don’t even think of. 

And yes, it can involve snacks. 

Let me explain.

The Magic of Tiny, Daily Gestures

Forget skywriting. 

How to show someone you love them with actions can be as simple as folding their laundry. 

Hear me out. 

Laundry may not seem like the pinnacle of romance, but trust me, nothing says “I love you” like a neatly folded pile of clothes, especially if it’s not yours. 





They’ll feel loved and organized. 

It’s a quiet act of love that shows, “Hey, I’m paying attention to the little things you do (or don’t do) and I’ve got your back.”

Another winner? 

Fill up their gas tank. 

We all hate doing it, right? 

Surprise them with a full tank, and suddenly, you’re their hero. 

It’s like you’ve given them the gift of time. 

And honestly, who doesn’t appreciate a chore being magically taken care of? 

Bonus points if you grab their favorite snack from the gas station. 

Road trip snacks say “I know what you love, even if it’s processed cheese.”

Oh, and here’s one that’ll knock their socks off (the ones you folded): make them breakfast. 

Even if you’re not exactly the next Food Network star, toast counts. 

Just slather on some butter and serve it with a smile. 

Instant romance. 

Upgrade it with their favorite toppings: peanut butter, avocado, or a little cinnamon sugar, and you’re basically a culinary genius in their eyes.

Don’t overlook the power of tech love either. 

Emojis are your secret weapon. 

Text them with their favorite weird emojis. 

Yes, I’m talking about the random eggplant, taco, or alien emojis that make absolutely no sense to you but somehow mean everything to them. 

It’s your way of showing you know what makes them laugh, and it’s one of those tiny, goofy gestures that says “I love you” without even using words. 

You’re speaking their secret emoji love language, and they won’t even realize it.

Speak Their Love Language (Yes, Even in Morse Code)

Everyone has their own way of feeling loved. 

Some people thrive on sappy “I love you” speeches, while others? 

They just want snacks delivered during a Netflix binge. 

Understanding how to show affection often comes down to recognizing what makes your partner feel valued and appreciated, AKA, their love language.

If your partner’s all about physical touch, you don’t need to smother them with bear hugs (unless they’re into that, of course). 

Sometimes, a playful high-five or an unexpected kiss on the cheek speaks volumes. 

Not sure where you stand on the whole physical affection scale? 

Here’s a tip: When in doubt, just go for the hand-holding, it’s underrated. 

And chest bumps? 

Proceed with caution unless you’re celebrating a sports win.

For the words-of-affirmation crowd, sticky notes are your best friend. 

Leave one on their mirror saying something cheeky like, “You look hotter than a fresh cup of coffee” or “Thanks for being the best part of my day (and the reason I don’t punch anyone).” 

These little notes will have them smiling all day long. 

You don’t need to deliver an epic love speech. You just need to show them you notice and appreciate them in small, thoughtful ways.

Not sure what your partner’s love language is? 

Or maybe you’re a little confused about your own? 

Check out our related article, What Are the 5 Love Languages for Couples

It’s a total game-changer for figuring out how to show someone you love them with actions that truly resonate. 

Knowing whether your partner craves acts of service, quality time, or a thoughtful gift can make all the difference. 

Trust me, once you figure this out, it’s like finding the user manual to your relationship!

Surprise Them (In Non-Creepy Ways)

We all love surprises (as long as they don’t involve clowns or anything jumping out of closets). 

The best part of how to show someone you love them? 

You can plan small, thoughtful surprises that’ll keep them guessing, and smiling.

Plan an unexpected date. 

It doesn’t have to be fancy. 

Maybe you binge-watch their favorite guilty-pleasure show, yes, even if it’s the one with way too many seasons. 

Or take them on a spontaneous road trip to the best taco place you can find. (Tacos are a love language in themselves, honestly.) 

Nothing too complicated, just something that says, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you and your love of carbs.”

Or how about this: hide little love notes in unexpected places. 

Pop one in their wallet, tuck another inside their jacket pocket, or go all out and slip one in their shoes. 

Sure, it’s quirky, but when they find that sweet note as they’re rushing out the door, they’ll smile and think of you. 

It’s these tiny surprises that show you’ve gone the extra mile to show affection in ways they weren’t expecting.

And here’s a pro tip: get sneaky with the refrigerator. 

Rearrange it so their favorite snacks are front and center, like a personal snack shrine. 

Whether it’s their go-to yogurt or that hidden stash of chocolate, it’ll feel like you’ve tailored the fridge just for them. 

Who knew how to show someone you love them with actions could be so closely tied to yogurt placement?

You can even surprise them by secretly taking over a chore they usually handle. 

Like, doing the dishes before they get to them or folding the laundry (again, the laundry thing is huge, trust me). 

These surprise acts of service are not only unexpected but also make their day a little easier. 

And when love makes life easier, it’s a win-win for everyone.

The Art of Silent Love (AKA, Just Being There)

Sometimes love isn’t about grand gestures or endless chatter. 

It’s about being present, truly present. 

This is where the magic of how to show someone you love them goes beyond words or even actions. It’s about showing up, quietly and consistently, when it matters most.

Picture this: you’re sitting together in silence after a long day. 

No need for forced conversations or problem-solving. 

Just holding hands, maybe sharing a blanket, watching the sunset, or sitting on the couch. 

That’s love in its purest form. 

Sometimes, how to show affection is simply giving them the comfort of your presence. 

It’s like saying, “I’m here, and I’ve got you,” without speaking a single word.

There’s also something incredibly powerful about just letting your partner be. 

When they’ve had a rough day, sometimes they don’t want advice, solutions, or pep talks, they just want you. 

Whether they need a quiet cuddle or to zone out in front of a show together, how to show someone you love them with actions can mean offering a safe space for them to unwind. 

No judgment. 

No pressure. 

Just you, showing up as their anchor.

And let’s not forget the beauty of shared silence. 

You don’t always need to fill the air with words to feel connected. 

Sometimes, the most intimate moments are when you’re both doing your own thing, whether reading a book side by side or just being near each other. 

It’s a quiet, unspoken way of saying, “We’re in this together.”


In the end, how to show someone you love them isn’t about grand gestures, it’s about the small, consistent actions that make your partner feel seen, appreciated, and loved. 

Whether it’s folding their laundry or planning a surprise date, these little things add up in big ways. 

But communication is the key to making it all work, and sometimes, we need a little help in that department.

That’s where the Better Topics Card Game for Couples comes in. 

This fun, interactive game is designed to improve communication while keeping things playful. 

It’s the perfect way to bond, spark meaningful conversations, and stay connected in your relationship. 

Plus, it’s a great excuse to spend quality time together, and who doesn’t love a good game night?

For even more ideas on how to show affection, check out our related article, How to Show Love: 70+ Ways to Show Your Partner You Love Them

It’s packed with creative, heartfelt ways to make your partner feel loved every single day. 

So, grab the card game, and start strengthening your bond today!


Our mission is to help couples experience more love, joy, and connection.

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